Continuous support for youth training

The SNH provides support to the national educational community through several actions. Thus, thanks to the “Excellence Bonus” operation, the Company contributes to improving the supply of school textbooks and computer equipment in the libraries and multimedia centers of the best public secondary schools in the ten regions of Cameroon.

It further encourages meritorious students from various parts of the country through award ceremonies. Students from schools located near operational sites or housing oil infrastructure in the South-West, the Littoral, the South and the Far North are the primary beneficiaries.

In addition, the company contributes to the professionalization of teaching in the oil field. In this context, it notably set up a petroleum geosciences computer laboratory at the University of Douala, in partnership with the oil services company Schlumberger.

The SNH is leading a project aimed at extending this experience to other university institutions. Concerned: the Departments dedicated to Earth Sciences of the Universities of Yaoundé I, Dschang, Buea and Bamenda, the Petromines center of the University of Douala, the Faculty of Mines and Petroleum Industries of the University of Maroua (based in Kaélé) and the School of Geology and Mining of the University of Ngaoundéré (established in Meïganga).


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